Dockerfile For Java Application | Step-By- Step Guide

It is a file where we writes all the process of building and accessing the application. In this file we use “YML” language which is a easy to learn and also called human language.

Step 1: Write the Dockerfile For Java Application.

Following is the Dockerfile for this application, the process will be same for all your java applications.

# Use a specific version of OpenJDK
FROM openjdk:11

# Set the working directory
WORKDIR /javaapp

# Copy only the necessary source files

# Compile the Java program
RUN javac

# Set the default command to run the Java program
CMD ["java", "HelloWorld"]
  • FROM: This command is use to specify the version of the language which help to run the application.
  • WORKDIR: This command is use to specify a directory where the all process will happen.
  • COPY: This is use to copy the files and resources from your local system to docker container.
  • RUN: This is use to run any command , it can be language command, or linux command or anything which helps do download the dependencies, building the application, compilation etc.

Step 2: Build The Docker image by using dockerfile.

Now, After creating the Dockerfile we have to use Docker for building the image and container for deployment.

  • Docker file should be present in the main folder of your project.
  • First we have to build the docker image
docker build -t "any name for your docker image"  .
docker build -t helloworld

Step 3: List all the Docker images.

  • For listing the all docker images
Docker images 

Build And Deploy Java Application With Docker | Step-By-Step Tutorial

Docker is an OS-level virtualization that helps to build and deploy any program. Docker is used to utilize the resources, and it is compatible with all operating systems.

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